
IMG_5309                      IMG_5310
Black diamond headband - $8                                        Polka-dotted Pearl - $8

IMG_5313                      IMG_5314
Cream Rosette and Pearls - $8                                       Black and White Trio - $8

IMG_5315                      IMG_5316
Red Felted Trio - $8                                                Teal Felted Trio - $8

IMG_5317                     IMG_5318
Wedding Day - $10                                                   Cream and teal with feathers - $10

IMG_5320                     IMG_5321
The Magenta Trio - $8                                           Magenta with pearl drops - $8

IMG_5322                     20101203-IMG_5852
Buttoned Black & White - $8                                     Cream flower on Pink - $8
Red Flower on black - $8                                       Pink flower on black stretchband - $8
20101203-IMG_5848                    20101203-IMG_5847
Teal flower n' Pearls on black - $8                Green flower n' button -$8
20101203-IMG_5846                    20101203-IMG_5845
Green felted trio on red - $8                                       Cream felted trio on red - $8

20101203-IMG_5844                    20101203-IMG_5840
Black flower on stretchband - $8                               Red Sparkle flower on white - $8

20101203-IMG_5837                    20101203-IMG_5836
Brown flower on red - $8                                         Yellow N' Magenta cute as a button - $8

20101203-IMG_5834                    20101203-IMG_5833
Lil' Miss in Pink - $8                                                  Grey flower on black - $8

Green duo - $8